I browse through different forums but i could not find the concrete ans .Below is the one easy way you can insert as many records as you want in junction object.
Scenario: A student can attend multiple classes and one class can have multiple students..
While saving the class record i need to add the selected student records as well.
1.Class is one object(api name: Class__c). (fields : Standard field Name)
2.Student is second object (api name: Student__c).(fields : Name, attendence)
3.Course is junction object(api name : Course__c) (fields: .toClass__c(Master detail to Class), .toStudent__c(Master detail to Student).
Class__c c1=new Class__c(Name='Maths');
insert c1;
List<course__C> cc1=new List<Course__c>();
integer i=0;
// you can fetch the selected records..
List<Student__c> stuList=[select ID from Student__c where ID= 'a0Ei0000005GOIK' or id='a0Ei0000005GOFC'];
for(Student__c ss:stulist){
course__C cc=new Course__c();
cc.Name='Bachelors Degree'+(i+1);
insert cc1;